Funny Moments

Possible disagreement I attended an event World Tournamnet at high school there was a cabaret training for a night performance at the enlivening of independence. At that time I trained with my friend from Monday to Friday. There were Fajar, Togar, Ilham, Bagas Fatir, Abi, Aang And many more.
We are excited to practice together in 5 days, a tiring day ... there we are trained by a cabaret expert named Gilang, he is a pretty good and perfect person, Gilang teaches us all how we can express ourselves on the stage, To improvise, to be brave while on the stage and many more values ​​that Gilang convey to us. The first day we all practice as usual, can still joke, laugh.
Usually we practice from 4 pm to 9 pm . Until the day before we performed, we all made a property from painting, making a weapon, until we finally finished on the 9 pm.At day H arrived we were excited and frightened.But when we all appeared, Alhamdulillah .. we look perfect and we managed to make the audience laugh and grieve.Our way is so perfect until it can meet the audience.


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